When The Puppies Are Born
Be on the look-out for our bi-weekly newsletter when your puppy is born! They are jam packed with information for you to be ready when your little bundle arrives!! We find families occasionally have their hearts set on one certain thing but really, there may be other puppies whose temperaments may be better matched for their family. This is why we do NOT decide who gets what puppy before this point. This decision is based on the puppies’ personalities and the application you filled out. We want this to be the bet match for both you & the puppy!

Newborn to Two Weeks
A few days after the puppies are born, we will then begin using the Early Neurological Stimulation the Rules of 7′s canine stimulation and Super Dogs adapted from the Monks of Skeet training methods. We do this to increase stimuli and it is designed to help the puppies deal with life’s stresses.

Three to Four Weeks
The puppies will now be able to see and hear. They will also be learning to walk, bark and puppy wrestle. This is my most favorite age, they are such little explorers and their personalities really start to come out!

Five to Six Weeks
They puppies are introduced to new things daily; sounds, textures, toys and more people of all ages that are our puppy socializers! We are working hard on seeing new things, hearing new sounds, playing on new toys and crate and potty training!! All things to ensure you have a well rounded puppy!!

Seven to Eight Weeks
The puppies are assessed for things like sociability, trainability, sensitivities, cooperativeness, assertiveness & energy level and the allocation to the families is decided. We will send out our Health Guarantee and contract for your review, we ask for your final payment at this time. Families with an outstanding balance will be removed from the reservation list (Unless we have another agreement) at this time so that families who are ready, are able to get a puppy.